How do you keep your mind stayed on Jesus? Here in this post, I will tell you four ways to keep your mind on Jesus. As a millennial, I am faced with the reality of all that's going on in my generation. Twitter is filled with exposed women, sex, profanity, and just more reason not to keep our minds on God. Instagram can be a place where friends and families compare themselves and their lives. So, how do we actually keep our minds focused on him?
I will be asking you two questions. I ask questions because it causes you to self discover the answers for yourself before I give the ones that have worked best for me.
Answer these . . .
1. Are your friends talking to Jesus at all?
2. How often do you pray?
These questions I proposed because I noticed we ask questions like how do I keep my mind stayed on him? BUT, our environments are toxic, they don't allow God in and our prayer life sucks. Let's be real in this generation if we won't keep our mind on him and we want to be able to consider him in our decisions. Our circles and prayer life matters.
My four points:
Assessing your circle
Working in purpose
Presenting Yourself Daily