In life we go through a lot. So much that it can leave us broken, betrayed, confused. And we have EVERY right to be but what we do not have the right to do is STAY there. Why? because bitterness can and WILL hurt others. Bitterness will also BLOCK every blessing that God has for you. So how do we get rid of it? By eradicating the root. Not just by uprooting it but totally removing it. How do we remove it? By taking it to God in PRAYER. Here‘s a prayer I had to say and write as I CRIED my eyes out, because I didn’t want bitterness any longer. I wanted to love God‘s people, and help them!
Lord how can I be so vicious towards your people? How did allow my hurt to latch on to me and become so vile? I’m so ashamed.. how did I get here? I feel so far gone.. unworthy, too far gone.. like I keep trying to shut the door, but then there’s another betrayal bullet with my name on it.. Take me back to the sweet child I used to be... walk me through my life and show me where I’ve fallen so far. When did I start being so bitter? So angry.. create in me a clean heart, renew a right mind within me.. restore the love I used to have for your people. Lead me to your people that I’ve betrayed. Show me them. Cleanse me of uncleanliness.. I don’t want to be a hindrance, I want to be a help agent. I don’t want to be bitter, I want to be better. I want to take a stand and be a better vessel.. I want to help restore, rebuild, revamp, restructure your people. I may be frustrating.. I understand why you had me read Nehemiah.. because my purpose is so much bigger than me. My purpose is to be used for your glory. Help me to be better. Refine me. Thank you for humbling me. Cleanse my hands, Purify my heart.. set me apart, no longer will I complain. Forgive me for complaining for the past season.. thank you for your grace that covered.. I was sinking so low in bitterness, anger.. help me to practice your statutes and holiness. I don’t want the path that I’ve chosen.. it’s either all the way or none.. I’m unworthy of every promise of I can’t fulfill my purpose. Help me to focus and not magnify my issues but magnify the one is mighty to save and is more than capable.. let me set my heart and hopes.. my affections on you.. everything is second to you.. open up my ears and my ears.. to the one who’s holy and righteous.. no more generic stuff, just raw and authentic. I don’t want to be like the Pharisees.. change me Father. Help me to walk in wisdom. Bringing down the magnitude of our issues.. I ask that all these things be done in Jesus’s precious name I pray amen.
Healing takes time but we will get rid of every foul root that has grown through the help of the Father. #staytuned