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A Seat at the Table

Tyshera Wilhite

As a kid, I‘ve been obsessed with all things medieval, so much so that I believed a was a princess! I love stories about kings and queens, the royal court, etc. One of my favorite legend, King Arthur, and the Roundtable. King Arthur was a servant as a boy, who pulled out the great sword, Excalibur out of a stone. What makes this story so great is that not just anybody could pull the sword out of the stone. They had to be worthy of the stone wouldn’t move. Many people fought over this because whoever could pull the sword out of the stone, would be crowned king.. Arthur was crowned King and had a round table of knights. One day one of these knights (who happened to be his greatest companion) betrayed him. I say all this to say, when God shifts us from underdog to being in the forefront, when creating the roundtable, we have to be vigilant and careful about who is going with us in the next season. Lancelot was great for King Arthur in the beginning. He was an EXCEPTIONAL knight. Nevertheless, he was envious of King Arthur because Lancelot wanted the king‘s wife. In this new season, there are going to be people that try to downplay the new thing that God is doing because they want what you have. I don’t believe that King Arthur didn’t believe or see all that was transpiring with his friend and even didn‘t notice the warning to remove him from the roundtable. Because of that, Lancelot started running amuck in the kingdom. Don't ignore the signs and heed the warnings in that season. Be vigilant. Assess their position in your life. Seek God about it and don't feel bad about his response! The companion from the old season can be taking up space at the table that is meant for somebody else right now! Also be encouraged that sometimes, even though you have to remove the from the table in this season, doesn’t mean God won't bring them back. It’s just that in this season they can’t have a seat at the table. #staytuned

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