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Doors, Doors, Doors

Writer's picture: Morgan BanksMorgan Banks

Imagine being in a room surrounded by doors.. some closed, some opened. Some cracked, chipped paint, rusted knobs, broken locks representing the past. The rest of them are brand new, with high tech locks, keypads.. lets throw in a doggie door.. you’re walking to the new door, excited, filled with anticipation, some worry but not enough to make you turn around.. You go to turn the knob and open the door, but then Yah’s voice calls out to you, he wants you to go back to the old doors, there’s some rooms he wants you to go back but he also wants you to go back through the old door. You hesitate because there’s a flash back of pain, resentment, brokenness, shame, guilt.. you think God why would you want me to go back to that? And you go to open the new door and realize you don’t have a key, you try to pry it open with everything you can think of, a Bobby pin, a butter knife, EVERYTHING.. nothing works.. you’re frustrated so you just sit and wallow in it. That’s what happens when we try to move on without God. I’m literally sitting in this seat right now.. Im waiting for some things God has promised me, and I’m not seeing it.. not a sign of change, shift.. it’s just not happening. so I tried to pry open new doors. but God wouldnt give me the key because He hadn’t shut the old door, where all my pain resides. In moments like this, we have to understand that he hasn’t shut that door completely, because we have to go back inside and conquer those things. That pain, resentment, shame, lies, guilt.. we have to go and look it in the face and tear down that stronghold instead of running it. There is also something behind the old door that he is renewing and restoring, so that He can give it to you in his timing the way He intended. We serve an intentional God, whose word won’t fail and return to him void. What ever he says will remain forever. I know it’s not easy trusting; it’s even scarier to have to go back to battle things that almost killed you. But it is for the making of a kingdom warrior who can stand on the frontline for others. I have a friend, who just weeks ago, told me not to completely shut the door, but leave it cracked.. I encourage you to do the same because God has something amazing behind that old door. #staytuned

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