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Into the Unknown

Tyshera Wilhite

Let me just start this off by saying thank you to Abba! Thank you, Abba, for knowing what was best for me; thank you for tending to my to needs, ignoring my wants, and changing my desires. Abba has a very particular way of developing us. It is not the most comfortable thing in the world. In fact, it's far from it, but it cultivates us to be greater than our current selves for the next season.

Six months ago, I did not expect my life to take a turn for the worst, or at least what I believed to be the worst. But in the worst of times, it was TRULY the best of times, or whatever Charles Dickens said! Over the past six months, Abba has been crushing me and still is. He has been leading me into the unknown, and to be frank, I am more than terrified. Most people do not admit that, and most likely NEVER will. I have gotten my heart shattered, flunked out of grad school, and struggled with being a first-year teacher while facing depression. Pretty rocky, right? I would not eat, and I could not sleep. I didn't want to sing, teach, pray, read my word...ANYTHING that required effort; I despised it.

Yet in the same six months, I have bettered my relationship with God, birthed some of my gifts, and joined an amazing authentic worship team, Outpour. I could not and would not see all the things God was doing for me. That usually happens when we get stuck on the pain of being dragged from known to unknown territories. I HATE (yes, in all caps) change, especially when it's not my choice. I know many of you can agree. But in this unknown space, Abba has added as He was subtracting many things from me. John 15:1-2 NKJV says, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” In this unknown space, I have gained more than I have lost, because of the fruit I’ve born and in His infinite wisdom, He decided what I needed to grow.

Allow God to drag you into the unknown. Sometimes we need a little bit of dragging into the unknown; we may get more than we bargained for and be pleasantly surprised. Allow Abba to increase and decrease you in the way that He sees fit. It's easier said than done because we think we know what's best for us, but we DON'T. Why not put it in the capable hands of the one who knew us as we were being formed? #staytuned

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