Well, fall has arrived. When I imagine fall I usually picture beautiful trees and cool weather. This fall it’s been different images. A little boy running around in between the leaves screaming at me “Mommy, let’s play” inside I feel myself begging to be a child again running in and out of the trees. Deep down on the inside of me beyond that beautiful picture of youthful fun is a haunting sense of loneliness. Thoughts that wander around like loose words on paper. Thoughts like, was I not good enough? Who will keep me warm when it’s cold. Im just learning how to keep Mari in his bed so my bed has been awfully cold and dark. So, im reminded that the Word of God says im never alone. I run to the bible to find comforting words for this nagging pest of a feeling creeping up my back saying “you’ll be alone forever”. Maybe you aren’t me and well you’re not but let’s just say you were. What would you do about these lonely nights and lonely days? Let’s explore some ideas.
Order a projector and have a girls night out
Make new products for your business
Make fun arts and craft with the kids
Buy some candles and have a great bath
Find new music
Prepare for the holidays
Binge watch a Netflix Series
Wow, seven things to do through this single fall! We may not be snuggled up in the arms of a man but we are in the father’s arms. Because I promised to be as transparent as possible with this new series I will be honest. I really do dislike a lack of companionship. However, it’s necessary! Here’s scripture for us to meditate on this month around “Single Mom- Fall” - Psalm 34:18. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. You do not have to mask your pain or try healing your own wounds. Let him see them and heal them with time.
Leave us some feedback from this week’s #transparency. Also, if any of our 7 fall fun brings you joy share with us your pictures!